HD Hyundai Marine Solution, a global leading company in the eco-friendly ship retrofitting business, has recently successfully completed an Engine Part Load Optimization (EPLO) project for a Pure Car and Truck Carrier (PCTC). The vessel, MV Morning Concert, is the first of up to eight car carriers from Wallenius Wilhelmsen to undergo EPLO retrofits based on agreement signed with HD Hyundai Marine Solution and leading turbocharger company Accelleron in October 2023.
EPLO significantly improves the efficiency of marine engines in their most commonly used power range by optimizing the configuration of turbochargers. This is achieved by reducing the size of the turbocharger’s turbine and compressor, combined with derating the main engine. This requires optimization of other engine parameters, such as injection timing for optimal combustion, which allows a significant increase in main engine efficiency over the power range of 20%-85%. The retrofit work was completed on March 28, 2024 with fuel efficiency gains confirmed during a sea trial on April 7, showing around 3-4% reduction in specific fuel oil consumption compared to pre-retrofit performance. Additionally, shifting the auxiliary blower’s switching point to lower engine power significantly reduces the operation time of the blowers and further enhances the overall vessel efficiency.
To comply with the IMO Energy Efficiency Existing Ship Index (EEXI) and Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) as well as the EU ETS and other greenhouse gas reduction regulations, many shipping companies are reducing engine output levels to 60-70% of the original design power. This trend, combined with challenges of adopting expensive biofuels or dual-fuel conversions, is increasing demand for optimization solutions like EPLO that can significantly enhance efficiency during slow-speed operations.
HD Hyundai Marine Solution launched the EPLO service with Accelleron in 2021, successfully demonstrating improvements in fuel efficiency on the first vessel. In March 2024, an additional EPLO retrofit service contract was signed for four car carriers with Greece-based Neptune Lines Shipping and Managing Enterprises. Based on this success and increasing customer inquiries, HD Hyundai Marine Solution and Accelleron have announced the signing of their strategic collaboration agreement for the joint development of EPLO service during Posidonia 2024, Greece’s largest maritime exhibition, on June 5th, 2024. The agreement includes strategic cooperation in sales, marketing, engineering, procurement and installation. With this move, both companies aim to expand their EPLO business to effectively meet rapidly growing industry demands.
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