ITA Airways, the Italian reference carrier, announces the new nonstop flight between Rome Fiumicino and Dubai, which will be operated daily starting next 27th October.
This new connection between Italy and the United Arab Emirates marks ITA Airways’ first new route in the upcoming 2024/2025 winter season.
“The opening of this new Rome – Dubai flight represents a further step forward in our Company’s growth – said Antonino Turicchi, President of ITA Airways – In the first four months of 2024, we recorded positive results, even beyond expectations. We carried over 5 million passengers, a 29% increase versus last year, and generated 38% more revenue compared to the same period in 2023 thanks to the performance of the intercontinental sector, which reported revenue growth of more than 50% compared to the first four months of 2023. Our average load factor reached 78%, 3.6 percentage points higher than last year, with peaks of 82% in the intercontinental segment, a result that more than compensated for a slight reduction in average prices. The data are also encouraging for the summer season, when we are expecting a 25% increase in carried passenger numbers compared to last year. From January to April 2024, our operations maintained a 99.9% regularity and achieved an approximately 85% on-time arrival rate within 15 minutes. These achievements, added the President, enable us to invest in the Company’s development towards two main objectives: to establish ourselves as a key player in air transport and in the national economy, and providing Italy with a carrier with solid prospects. Thanks to the connection between Rome and Dubai we aim at enhancing tourism and trade between Italy and the United Arab Emirates”.
The new flight will be available for purchase next week on all the Company’s channels. The connection will have a daily frequency and will be operated according to the following schedule:
– Rome Fiumicino – Dubai, operating from 27 October with departure at 10:40 a.m. (local time) and arrival in Dubai at 7:50 p.m. (local time);
– Dubai – Rome Fiumicino, operating from 28 October with departure at 1:50 a.m. (local time) and arrival in Rome at 6:00 a.m. (local time).
The new Rome – Dubai flight represents a significant milestone for the Company, expanding its network to include a strategic market such as the United Arab Emirates.
This route not only caters to point-to-point traffic but also enables customers to connect to several domestic, international, and intercontinental destinations from the Rome Fiumicino airport, thus combining leisure and business travel. Dubai has always been a global hub for both business and leisure tourism. The opening of this new nonstop flight reflects ITA Airways’ commitment to providing optimal travel solutions and further confirms the centrality of the intercontinental network development in the Company’s business strategy.
To ensure an exceptional travel experience, the new flights will be operated with the new Airbus A321neo, offering outstanding range and performance. Efficient and quiet, the A321neo boasts more than 20% lower fuel consumption. It is the first narrow-body aircraft configured with three separate cabins: Business Class (12 seats), Premium Economy (12 seats) and Economy (141 seats, including 12 Comfort Economy). Distinctive features of the A321neo include the Airspace Cabin with new colors and materials, the latest generation of seats, new ITA Airways customized interior lighting and XL overhead bins. Each seat is equipped with the latest entertainment system, featuring “on-demand” video and audio, 17.3” (Business), 15.6” (Premium Economy) and 13.3” (Economy) low reflectivity and 4K resolution touchscreens for a simple, smooth and intuitive user experience.
In the current summer season, ITA Airways operates 57 destinations, with 16 domestic, 26 international and 15 intercontinental. The Company has recently inaugurated new direct flights from Rome Fiumicino to Chicago (April 2024) and Toronto (May 2024), and it will soon introduce new nonstop flights from Rome to Riyadh on 2nd June, Accra on 6th June, Dakar and Kuwait City in July and Jeddah in August 2024.
For more information, visit the official website, call the Customer Information Assistance Office, or visit travel agencies and airport ticket counters.
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