DYNAMARINe held its pre-Posidonia event on 17th May 2024 where CEO Alexandros Glykas announced recent developments of the organization. DYNAMARINe is a leading organization in Ship-to-Ship (STS) Due diligence and Risk Assessment with a global appearance with Prime STS Risk Management Services. DYNAMARINe team provides high quality consultancy services and turnkey solutions to the maritime community. The unwavering support from tanker owners and other key stakeholders, including P&I Clubs, Oil Majors, and STS Service Providers, has propelled the DYNAMARINe STS service to represent high-quality vessels with an exceptional track record of minimal reported incidents worldwide by enhancing safety standards in Ship-to-Ship (STS) Operations, while also prioritizing sustainability and transparency.
DYNAMARINe has been officially approved by EQUASIS as a Ship-to-Ship Provider for data which does not reveal any commercial aspects but supports safer STS operations. This achievement stands as a testament to DYNAMARINe’s dedication and the unwavering support of our clients over the past 15 years in ensuring safety in STS operations through transparent due diligence practices. The provision of data to Equasis aims in supporting safer STS operations through DYNAMARINe registered vessels with known procedures and acknowledged minimum risk. Long term vision of DYNAMARINe is to accelerate the vessel clearance process in less than 10 minutes while maintaining the highest Safety Standards of the Industry.
Data will become available at EQUASIS after the 3rd Quarter 2024.
PUBLIC OSIS app through Google Play
DYNAMARINe launched Public OSIS app, an open app promoting safety and quality in Ship-to-Ship (STS) transfer operations by presenting information related with the STS performance of Vessels Tankers and Gas Carriers. This information is intended to be used in evaluation of risks prior an STS operation. Currently available in google play and soon in apple store.
Ship to Ship (STS) F.A.Q Guide 2024
The 2nd edition of the STS F.A.Q. guide (March 2024) is completed, and the digital copy is ready for distribution. This guide marks almost 30 months of rigorous work from a dedicated team comprising subject matter experts from DYNAMARINe, STS Service Providers, Classification Societies, Technical Operators, Oil Majors, Traders, and Preston Turnbull LLP. DYNAMARINe team aim to positively contribute to safer Ship-to-Ship (STS) transfer operations. DYNAMARINe’s STS Service is about joining prudent tanker owners who share our vision of transparency and standardization, key elements for safe STS operations.
The “SeaGuard STS Protection” Service with add-on Insurance Cover
DYNAMARINe has developed an STS Risk Management and Clearance service for the vessels and STS Service providers, contracted by charterers/ oil majors/ traders by providing an insurance cover against oil pollution from Cargo Hose Failure during an STS Operation. The SeaGuard STS Protection will support Traders/ Oil Majors against oil pollution from cargo hose failure, under the request of the charterer/ Cargo Owner/ Trader, with favorable terms to those contracted with DYNAMARINe “Complete” STS service. DYNAMARINe has received re-assurance by “A+†Underwriters {as per Fitch Rating} in order to support this cover for Charterers who request vessels to be involved in STS Operations.
DYNAMARINe completed the draft Bulk Carrier STS Guide for INTERCARGO which will be finalized and probably distributed within 2024. Being part of INTERCARGO Steering Committee with Industry experts, DYNAMARINe supported the development with its expertise and background from the wet industry. The Guide presents safety procedures for Bulk Carrier Lightering and Topping Off Operations between barges, transloaders. DYNAMARINe has introduced a suite of STS Services for Bulk Carriers in order to accommodate the needs of shipowners, Port State Control and other regimes.
STS Compatibility study for LNG vessels
DYNAMARINe has been appointed to provide services regarding the Ship-to-Ship (STS) Compatibility Study for each LNG Carrier calling the FSRU ALEXANDROUPOLIS. Additionally, DYNAMARINe provide services for the Risk Assessment including hazards and causal factors applicable to all LNG carriers along with the Dynamic OPTIMOOR study and online record keeping.
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