Thenamaris is one of the largest Greek ship operators, with a diversified fleet of 47 tankers, 25 bulk carriers, 8 LNG carriers and 7 LPG carriers. Thenamaris has partnered with Navarino to install the high speed, low latency Starlink LEO service across the majority of its fleet. George Tsivgoulis, Electrical Supervisor in the Thenamaris Technical department, describes how Starlink is helping Thenamaris with the digitalization of its fleet.
‘We use Navarino solutions in our fleet, and have once again turned to them for the majority of our Starlink deployment. We are adding Starlink to our pre-existing setup of Fleet Xpress and Ku band, and we are seeing significant improvements in the way we operate, thanks to its low latency and much faster speed.
Each vessel with Starlink is on the 1 TB plan, and we see that most of this data is consumed on the crews’ network. Starlink has allowed us to significantly increase the data quotas that we offer our seafarers. We want our crews to enjoy the best working environment possible, and being able to provide them with a high-speed connectivity option, like Starlink, improves their well-being by enabling them to more easily communicate with family and friends. We have hadexcellent feedback from our seafarers who now enjoy high-quality video calls with their loved ones.
Our business operations have also benefited following the Starlink deployment. We have a very customized IT and OT setup onboard, including a ship-wide wireless access system, that allows us to support our crews and carry out remote inspections throughout the vessel with video conferencing and remote work stations. With VSAT, accessing this setup from shore was quite challenging, but with Starlink the entire experience is vastly improved. We also plan on utilizing Starlink for additional business needs in the near future.
Shipping often requires tailor-made solutions and the utilization of cutting-edge technology. In this regards Navarino has consistently been a reliable business partner of Thenamaris.
Navarino’s Andreas Dimitriadis, Strategic Relations Director at Navarino added, ‘We are delighted to be working with Thenamaris on this large-scale deployment. As one of the biggest names in shipping, and having worked closely with George and his team for many years, I am very proud to be helping them bring their fleet to the next level of connectivity services and to really enhance the way they work with their vessels. I look forward to continuing our partnership for many years to come.’
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