ITA Airways has made its debut in the Canadian market with the launch of its new nonstop connection between Toronto and Rome. The inaugural flight took off on Friday 10th May from Toronto Lester B. Pearson International Airport at 4:40 pm.
To celebrate the launch of the new intercontinental route, a ribbon-cutting ceremony was held at the departure gate of Terminal 1 in Toronto Airport in the presence of Emiliana Limosani, Chief Commercial Officer ITA Airways and CEO of Volare, Luca Zelioli, Consul General of Italy, Ivana Jelinic, CEO of the Italian National Tourist Board ENIT, Gianluca Caramanna, Member of Italian Parliament and Advisor to the Minister of Tourism, Kurush Minocher, Executive Director, Customer Experience and Airline Relations, GTAA, Vincent Crisanti, Councillor, City of Toronto, Pierfrancesco Carino, VP International Sales ITA Airways and Massimo Allegri, Regional Manager Americas ITA Airways.
“The launch of ITA Airways’ flights between Canada and Italy comes in response to the significant demand for travel between the two nations, driven in part by the substantial Italian Canadian population – stated Emiliana Limosani, Chief Commercial Officer ITA Airways and CEO of Volare. – With our direct flight, we plan to transport to up to 2 million of Italian Canadian passengers who travel between Italy and Canada annually. Toronto, in particular, serves as a pivotal gateway for our airline, facilitating not only point-to-point travel but also connections to various destinations within both countries, thereby catering to both leisure and business travelers – added the CCO – This underscores ITA Airways’ commitment to delivering optimal travel solutions to our Clients. The new route has already garnered impressive results in terms of bookings, with over 30,000 passengers booked between May and September.”
“The inauguration marks another milestone for bilateral relations between Canada and Italy, partners and allies – said Luca Zelioli, Consul General of Italy – The new flight will increase opportunities for tourists to and from Italy; business and cultural exchanges will as well greatly profit from this additional connection. ITA Airways is bringing closer two great countries and two great cities, Toronto and Rome”.
“This inaugural flight represents an exciting and eagerly anticipated addition in filling a much-needed gap.” – said Vincent Crisanti, Councillor, City of Toronto. “ITA Airways is addressing a longstanding void in the
travel market, strengthening our economic and cultural ties with Italy that will pave the way for enhanced
collaboration between the City of Toronto and Rome, Italy.”
“We know demand for travel between Toronto and Rome is strong,” said Khalil Lamrabet, Chief Commercial Officer and interim Chief Operations Officer, Greater Toronto Airports Authority. “Last year more than 50,000 passengers flew indirect to Rome from Toronto, which is why ITA Airways’ new service from Toronto Pearson is a welcome addition and one we are excited to see take-off today.”
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