OCEANKING and HD Hyundai Electric recently hosted a technical seminar in Athens. The event witnessed a remarkable success with distinguished guests from prominent Greek shipping companies underscoring the industry’s need for commitment to embracing sustainable practices for an efficient and more eco-friendly future in Shipping.
HD Hyundai Electric’s presentation showcased:
· Cutting-edge technologies in vessel’s Shaft generator solutions that allow onboard power generation while minimizing environmental impact. This solution not only mitigates emissions but also contribute to operational cost savings aligning with the industry’s dual objectives of improved environmental footprint and economic viability.
· Intelligent motor control and preventive diagnosis systems which integrate cutting-edge technology for maximizing equipments lifecycle & minimizing the maintenance of vessel’s electric motors. Hyundai Electric sophisticated software is ensuring optimal performance while minimizing energy consumption.
· Alternative Maritime Power (AMP), often referred to as cold ironing or shore power, involves connecting ships to the local electrical grid. There were extensive discussions of the economic & environmental advantages as the substantial decrease in local air pollution benefiting both port communities and marine ecosystems and emission reductions.
The seminar’s success underscores Hyundai Electric’s commitment to innovation for achieving an industry-wide transformation.
Furthermore, the seminar facilitated insightful discussions on industry trends, and strategies essential for accelerating the adoption of decarbonization technologies across the maritime sector.
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