TGE Marine has received an order from the Chinese shipyard Dalian Shipbuilding Industry Offshore Co. Ltd. (DSOC) for the design and supply of a cargo handling system for a 7,500m³ LCO2 Carrier.
The vessel is the third iteration of the series TGE Marine has been part of for the Norwegian consortium Northern Lights JV. The ships are part of the “Longship project”, a Norwegian state-founded effort to de-carbonize large emitters in Norway. CO2 is captured, reliquefied on-shore and subsequently shipped to the Norwegian continental shelf, where it is pressed underground via a terminal just outside of Bergen, NOR.
In a great cooperative effort between the Vessel Owner, DSOC and TGE Marine, the vessel has been carefully designed and engineered to operate in the cold-water environments of the North Atlantic.
The two cylindrical type C tanks can house up to 7,500m³ of liquid carbon dioxide. The vessel will be LNG-fuelled and equipped with a shore electricity connection, to make use
of Green electricity during loading and unloading operations.
TGE Marine is a frontrunner in LCO2 ship-bound logistics and we are honored to be able to cement our strong position in the LCO2 market. Our decades of experience with cryogenic gases allow us to deliver safe, reliable and state-of-the-art systems.
TGE Marine’s Proposal Manager Florian Krauß adds: ’Thanks to an outstanding cooperation with the shipyard as well as the Owner, we were able to design a vessel that will be able to perform excellently under the conditions that it is going to face. We are proud to be a part of a project that is unprecedented and will be an example to many similar
projects that will be needed to reach net-zero and beyond.’
TGE Marine is the leading liquefied gas systems’ provider, specialising in the design and engineering of cargo handling systems and tanks for any type of liquefied gas carriers,
bunker ships and Floating Storage & Regasification Units (FSRUs).
TGE Marine also works under engineering, procurement, construction and supervision (EPCS) agreements on liquefied fuel gas systems for LNG, NH3 and future fuels. The
company has designed and supplied more than 250 gas handling and storage systems for gas tankers, FSRUs and Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSOs) in addition to fuel gas applications built at shipyards all over the world.
Our broad expertise in liquefied gas- and cryogenic systems is based on more than 40 years’ of engineering experience in the marine industry. With our passion for innovation
and our strategy that focuses on innovations for greener shipping we are supporting the industry with technical solutions for a sustainable future, such as alternative fuels or
CO2 transport for Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) projects.
The head office in Bonn, Germany is a technical centre of excellence with core competencies in design and engineering, supported by its branch office in Shanghai.
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