Techcross has succeeded in installing a BWMS in the engine room of an existing tanker. This installation method, called the “Engine Room Solution”, was patented under the name of Techcross in Korea in 2016 and has been applied only to new ships so far. However, this is the first time it has been applied to an existing ship.
One set of ECS 1000B model was installed on the 50,400 PC tanker owned by Horizon Tankers Limited S.A. (under Target Marine Group), based in Greece, using Techcross’ Engine Room Solution. In general, when a tanker needs to be equipped with a BWMS, it is usually preferred to install an expensive explosion-proof type or to build a separate room on the deck for safety reasons. However, Techcross’ Engine Room Solution of installation with a non-explosion proof type can help reduce more than 20% of purchasing and installation costs.
Moreover, a noteworthy point is that by removing the pipes installed for flow measurement during deballasting and leaving only the sampling lines, which makes it possible to achieve an additional cost savings of 2~30% in installation. Maintenance and operation costs are also reduced in the long-term perspective, resulting in high customer satisfaction. While responding to customer needs, Techcross plans to apply the same solution to the remaining seven vessels in their fleet.
This successful installation case was carried out in close collaboration with Techcross’ Greek engineering partner, Alpha Marine Consulting P.C. at a Chinese repair shipyard, and they are actively promoting similar projects based on this case. Techcross also expects this installation case to be a good opportunity for customers who own existing tankers. Furthermore, Techcross is striving to provide the optimal solution that can achieve both reasonable cost and operational efficiency, with a focus on Europe.
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