The deadline for submission of candidacies is March 24, 2023. All companies and organizations active in the shipping sector and with a presence in Greece, regardless of size or type, have the
right to submit a candidacy, at no cost, for actions which have taken place within 2022 or up until the submission date. Entities can nominate up to 3 different actions/practices per award category, and up to 3 award categories. Any nomination submitted and its supporting material will be kept confidential by the Organizers and the Judging Committee. Award Winners’ ceremony will take place at the Megaron Concert Hall on Tuesday, 30 May 2023.
The ESG Shipping Awards (ESGSA) is a new institution globally under the Auspices of the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Insular Policy and the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping. ESGSA vision is to encourage the maritime industry to embrace sustainability as part of its culture and strategy, as well as to develop a viable business model. Within this context, the ESGSA mission is to promote and recognize initiatives regarding ESG and sustainability by the maritime industry. The ESG Shipping Awards are a 100 percent Greek initiative, held under the auspices of the Ministry of
Maritime Affairs & Insular Policy, along with the Hellenic Chamber of Shipping. The awards create surplus value and competitive advantage to the winners and finalists, showcasing their willingness to incorporate sustainability into their business model.
Awards Categories are as follows:
1. ESG Leader Award
2. Environment Leader Award
2.1. Climate Change Award
2.2. Biodiversity Award
2.3. Eco Efficiency Award
3. Social Leader Αward
3.1. Health & Safety Award
3.2. Community Contribution Award
3.3. People Award
4. Governance Leader Award
4.1. Diversity, Equality & Inclusion Award
4.2. Technology Award
4.3. Business Ethics Award
The Organizer, upon the recommendation of the Judging Committee, reserves the right, after the submission of nominations, to merge or cancel categories, as well as to transfer nominations to a different category subject to the quantity and quality of the nominations.
For Applications: Apply Now –
For info:
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Ναυτικά Χρονικά | Gratia Publications
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