ABC Maritime AG has established ABC Hellenic Management in Glyfada, Athens to fully serve the Hellenic maritime community. Celebrating 40 years in the maritime industry in 2022 with centuries of accumulated experience through its dedicated team, Switzerland’s ABC Maritime AG is a veteran of ship management with traditional family values and ship owning background. Since its founding in 1982, the company has taken over 200 ships of every description, under its management care while rather than just focusing solely on the care of ships, the company is also invested in a holistic management approach that includes investment in people either working on board or ashore.
Daniel Tanner, CEO of ABC Maritime AG, noted that “Hellas has a long history and tradition in shipping and I trust our new office will support and contribute to the further development of the most important global shipping community. We also pride ourselves on customising our service offering to match our clients’ expectations and particular requirements whilst ensuring that we always go the extra mile to achieve the defined joint objectives”.
ABC Hellenic Management Ltd, capitalising on the economies of scale created in conjunction with the global HQ in Switzerland, provides full Ship Management services which include Technical, Quality & Safety, Crewing (incl. Selection, Recruitment, Planning, Training, Deployment, Payroll, Victualing), Operations, Commercial, Supply Chain,
Finance & Accounting and Maritime IT Systems & Services.
Nikolas Theodorou, Chief Strategy Office of ABC Maritime AG and Director of ABC Hellenic Management added that “with our new offices in Glyfada we are in close proximity to all the maritime hubs in Athens and have the ability to employ undisputable shipping professionals while being close to our trusted partners thus being able to provide them with top-tier services and solutions which exceed their expectations. At the same time, we remain a family values company serving the largest maritime family in the world”.
ABC currently owns and manages a diverse fleet of Chemical Tankers, Bitumen Carriers and offshore vessels while re-entering the Bulk Carrier market. ABC Maritime is particularly proud of the various prestigious international certifications that it has achieved. The company holds a 35-plus year Document of Compliance and Safety Management System certified by DNV and Bureau Veritas. The company is also certified with ISO 9001:2015 and ISO14001:2015 by DNV.
It should be noted that on February 23rd, an event was held for traditional pita-cutting and for ABC Maritime’s new “chapter”, which is no other than its expansion in Greece. The CEO and son of the founder of the company, together with the Swiss Ambassador to Greece, executives of Swiss and Hellenic shipping companiesy and esteemed members of the shipping community were present.
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