The Embassy and General Consulate of Panama in Greece along with the Panama Maritime Authority proudly participated in the great maritime celebration, Posidonia 2022 that initiate from Greece and fascinates the world.
Panama’s Participation aimed to be a tribute to the treasure of Greece, the Greek shipping, as well as to the important presence of Panama as the largest Shipping Registry in the world.
Posidonia 2022, the world’s most prestigious biennial shipping event welcomed back to Athens the global maritime community following the pandemic-induced cancellation of the 2020 event. A total of 2,000 exhibitors from 88 countries and 24 National Pavilions from Europe, North America and Asia displayed their products and showcased their maritime credentials to thousands of visitors from all around the world.
1. Inauguration of the National Pavilion of Panama
Panama participated in Posidonia 2022 with the National Pavilion of Panama, a great Stand of the Embassy and General Consulate of Panama in Greece, the Panama Maritime Authority, the Panama Canal, the ProPanama and the Promtur.
On Monday, June 6th, 2022, the National Pavilion of Panama was inaugurated by
· Mr. Kyriakos Mitsotakis, the Prime Minister of Greece
· Mr. Ioannis Plakiotakis, Minister of Merchant Marine and Insular Policy of Greece,
· Mr. Miltiadis Varvitsiotis, Alternate Minister of Foreign Affairs
· H.E. Mrs. Julie Lymberopulos, Ambassador and General Consul of Panama in Greece
· H.E. Ambassador Carmen Gisela Vergara, Director of ProPanama, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Panama
· Mr. Noriel Araúz, Minister of Maritime Affairs and Administrator of the Panama Maritime Authority (PMA)
· Eng. Rafael Cigarruista, General Director of Merchant Marine Department of the Panama Maritime Authority (PMA)
2. Panama’s Reception- Posidonia 2022 @Lighthouse of SNFCC
The Embassy and General Consulate of Panama in Greece jointly with the Panama Maritime Authority offered a special Reception to honor the long-lasting collaboration of the Panama Registry with the Greek Shipping Community.
The event took place on Thursday 9/6/2022 at the Lighthouse venue of the SNFCC and was attended by Ambassadors, Government representatives, esteemed Politicians, prominent Shipping executives and Maritime Lawyers from Greece, Cyprus, Belgium, Netherlands, Spain, France, Turkey, Korea, Japan.
Within her introductory speech H.E. the Ambassador Lymberopulos mentioned:
Your Excellencies Ambassadors,
Honorable Ministers, Secretaries General, Presidents,
Dear esteemed guests and friends,
On behalf of the Embassy and General Consulate of Panama in Greece, I would like to warmly welcome you to our reception tonight, which aims to be a tribute to the treasure of Greece, the Greek shipping, as well as to the important presence of Panama as the largest Shipping Registry in the world.
As the Ambassador and General Consul of Panama in Greece, I am responsible for both the diplomatic representation of the Panamanian country in the Hellenic Republic, but also, for the representation of the Panamanian Register of Shipping in the Greek shipping industry.
My special mission is to bring Greeks even closer to the Panama Registry by reviving a long-standing relationship that has deep, firm, and solid foundations and can dynamically evolve and effectively incorporate the changes brought about by the present and the great future of global shipping.
Today, we are here to celebrate the actual proof that Panama and Greece share this common maritime idiosyncrasy, that it is worth to be enhanced, strengthened, and further evolved to a wider scope of bilateral cooperation between our Nations.
Let us realize that the sea is undoubtedly the common fate of our nations and let us all work together so that there are more and more great Panamanian-Greek and Greek-Panamanian stories to be written now and be told in the future.
Thank you very much for being here with us.
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